Thursday, January 7, 2016

Daniel 3

Tonight, the message of Daniel really spoke to me. King Nebuchadnezzar set up a huge golden image in Babylon and required everyone go bow down before it and worship it (Daniel 3:14). Three of Daniel's closest friends refused, causing the king to essentially try to burn them alive in the fiery furnace, set for those who refused to honor his huge golden image. 

Basically, the message is: you can do as you please with your furnace. I'm only conforming into what God is telling me to, not what you or the world thinks I should be. That's the attitude we ought to have towards those pressuring us into disobeying what we know is God's will for us. I like the friends' absolute refusal to give in or be intimidated or frightened.

There are people in this world who will try to act superior. They'll talk down to you, insult you, make you think that you're in the wrong some way. When in reality, they're the ones who pour negativity, hurtful words/actions, and give into disruptive behaviors. You must pray for the kind of courage and faith to know that you are more than that, for you're being conformed into God's image and not the image of people who are worthlessly trying to better themselves by trying to dominate and act superior over others.

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