Sunday, August 26, 2012

Double Journal Entry #2: Part 2

“If a television network proposed a 'real life' show treating poor African-Americans, Latinos, American Indians, Asians or Jews as curiosities, they, and all Americans of good will, would be justifiably outraged.” I couldn’t agree with this quote more! The idea for this show is one based off of pure mockery. Poverty, lack of education, and loss of employment are not circumstances that should be found humorous by any means. The circumstance by which people work and live here in West Virginia may differ from those of Beverly Hills, California, but that does not mean that our way of living is “wrong”, and it seems to be portrayed that way by those who believe their culture is superior to our own. It is degrading that a network would even consider ratings to be more important than humanity. Below is a link for the Center of Rural Strategies who put forth their best efforts to campaign to stop the “Real Beverley Hillbillies”.

 O'Brien, J. (May , 10 2003). Tall tales of appalachia. Retrieved from
Campaign to stop the real beverly hillbillies. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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