Monday, December 15, 2014

Basically, a girl can spend her entire 20-something's trying to find her Prince Charming, which is code for the most exhausting process in the universe. And there are a couple different approaches we as gals might take to get there:

The Stage 4 Clinger
You find a guy whose super cute and become completely mesmerized by him. If you're lucky enough, you'll have a wing woman who will exchange your alls numbers, and if you're really lucky, you might actually land a date. All is fine and dandy, except after that date, you might actually like the extent of coming off strong instead of interested and scaring the shit out of him, labeling you as clingy.

The Booty Call
If you haven't been there, you know someone who has. He might seem interested, but really there's one awesome perk to hanging out with you. And even if you're enjoying the sex, he will never ever get feelings for you, so good luck not getting feelings for him.

The Multiple Approach Girl
You've played hard to get. You've been an open book. You saved anything sexual until AFTER the first date. You didn't sleep with him at all. Pretty much you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Despite your different approaches, he's still the same. It starts by you flirting, texting, hanging out...and then it's either one and done or two and through. If you can make it past date number two without him turning into an asshole or man whore, you've done good.

So, basically, your best bet is probably to pour a big glass of wine and save yourself from this exhausting process, we as women like to call dating.